Corporate Social Responsibility PictureCorporate Social Responsibility

In Viva, we believe that corporate responsibility is not only about the good management of our business, but also about building excellent and responsive long term relationships with all of our stakeholders, whether customers, employees or suppliers.


We have strong code of ethics that underpins all of our business practices; business conduct; employees; health and safety; environment; community; customers; and suppliers. We believe that our packaging should be produced by suppliers who are as committed to providing a fair and safe environment for their workers as we are.


Our team visit our factories throughout the year to ensure our rigorous standards are maintained. We have robust procedures in place, and a rigorous auditing process, to ensure that workplace standards, health and safety, fair pay and fair employment conditions are met. 


Global warming has become one of the challenges that the world is facing. In order to contribute our role, our production strictly abide to rules and regulations that can help our mother earth ,Besides that, we always believe that contribute back to society is essential in order create a role model to business but also to individual moral upbringing. Part of the profits will be donated and we also encourage the involvement of social works.


We’re proud of our commitment to CSR, and we believe strongly in integrity as one of Viva’s core values.